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How to Clear a Kitchen Sink Clogged Below the P Trap

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If your kitchen sink is clogged below the p trap, there are several options for getting rid of it. First, remove the trap and place a bucket underneath. Then, check for any obstructions inside. Pushing out these obstructions is often easy enough with a coat hanger, but you may want to use a plumber's snake. This tool sends a long, tough wire into the pipes. It may take several attempts to clear the blockage.

If you can't find any clog in the p trap, the clog is probably deeper in the plumbing. You may want to use a drain snake or a drain cleaning solution to clear the clog. If this isn't an option, try to access the drain in the wall.

You can also remove the clogged P trap by unfastening its connections and checking for debris. Once you've done this, you can safely remove the trap. Make sure to wear a pair of gloves, as you will be exposed to a lot of grease. A pair of pliers can also help you loosen the fittings.

Another option for clearing a kitchen sink clogged below the p trap is to use a plumber's snake. A plumber's snake is a tool made up of a spiraled pipe about 1/4 inch thick that is coiled. The handle is then cranked to loosen the clog. Some snakes are manually cranked while others are electrically powered.

Clogged sinks can also be caused by soaps, shampoos, and lotions. These substances can clog the pipes if they're not properly cleaned. If you've tried a combination of solutions, you may be able to resolve the problem yourself. Once you've cleared your copper sink kitchen, you'll be able to prevent a clog from reoccurring.

A plunger is another option to force the clog out of the sink drain. If you're using a double sink, place a wet rag in the drain on the unclogged side. Then, insert a plunger into the clogged side. Be sure to pump it vigorously for about 30 seconds. Repeat the plunge several times until the clog is removed.

Another option is to use a liquid drain cleaner. This drain cleaner works by using a thick gel formula that cuts through even tough clogs. This product is effective and fast. It only takes two cups of liquid down the drain to clear the clog. Once you've used the product, run hot water through the drain and check if the clog is clear.



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Last edited by JoanneJones (2022-10-21 03:46:38)


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